Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

#1. What is plastic?
Plastic is a polymer that can be recycled,
coloured, reused, mould or drawn into wires or various other shapes.

#2. Why its disposal is necessary?

it does create harm to the environment by entering the oceans every day and staying there forever, becoming toxic 'food' for marine life

#3. Where to dispose off our plastic?
The clean segregated plastic should be sent for recycling through
ragpickers/ recycling agencies

#4. What is the environmental impact of plastic?
Plastic pollution can alter habitats and natural processes, reducing ecosystems'
ability to adapt to climate change, directly affecting millions of people's livelihoods,
food production capabilities and social well-being.

#5. How is it harmful to human health?
The toxic chemical additives and pollutants found in plastics threaten human health on a global scale.
Scientifically-proven health effects include causing cancer
or changing hormone activity (known as endocrine disruption),
which can lead to reproductive, growth, and cognitive impairment.

#6. What gets recycled from scrapped plastics?
The traditional recycling method involves melting plastics and processing them
into new plastic products. After recyclers melt the plastic, they make them into new
products through a process called injection molding.

#7. What’s the difference between recycling and reuse?
- Recycling refers to the recovery of the materials used in the manufacture of electronic devices (e.g., gold,
mercury, copper, aluminum, plastic and glass), which can then be used in the manufacture of new devices,
reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources. Responsible recycling also ensures that these
materials, some of which are extremely toxic, do not find their way into landfills to cause harm to people
or the environment.
Reuse refers to the practice of removing working parts from retired electronic devices for resale or for
use as replacement parts to refurbish defective devices. Those parts may include disc drives, memory
chips and other components that can retain data and requires complete data wiping using a Department
of Defence grade data sanitization software.