INthe previous blog, we discussed the impact of the ineffective recycling of plastics.

But did you know there are certain kinds of plastics and the recycling methods are different? Not only that, not all plastics are recyclable!!

But did you know there are certain kinds of plastics and the recycling methods are different? Not only that, not all plastics are recyclable!!

In the world of plastic, we submerge ourselves in, there are different kinds of recyclable plastics.

Although most plastics can be recyclable, the rate at which they are and how effectively it can be done varies among the different polymers.

But why do we need to recycle plastic? Every year, billions of tons of plastic waste are generated worldwide. Without proper recycling, they end up in lands where they are burned, producing harmful fumes that harm the environment or dumped in the ocean, destroying marine life.

It’s the bottles, containers, wrapping, and other everyday items. Plastic is as versatile as it is recyclable. Recycling the plastics we use daily can reduce our environmental impact and help businesses cut costs. However, not all types of plastics are created equal. There are seven categories of plastics, denoted by their recycling symbols. The number within the recycling symbol on plastic containers, known as an SPI Code, provides a wealth of information about the safety and biodegradability of each plastic type. Understanding these codes will help you know how to sort out used materials for recycling-

    1. 1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET)
      2. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
      3. Polyvinyl Chloride (P or PVC)
      4. Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
      5. Polypropylene (PP)
      6. Polystyrene (PS)
      7. Miscellaneous Plastics
  • Before we dive into recyclable plastics, let us talk about the MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS under number 7. These are also known as other plastics. As the name suggests, these plastics don’t fall into any of the above categories, such as polycarbonates and polylactides. Despite their inclusion in popular items such as sunglasses, computer casing, nylon, compact discs and baby bottles, and storage containers, these plastics contain the toxic chemical bisphenol A or BPA. Not only are they dangerous, but these plastics are also tough to recycle as they don’t break down quickly. This is one of the reasons these plastics are also called non-recyclable and are hence not accepted by many recyclable plants. Even if they do, they are lumped together and recycled to make plastic lumber and specialized products. Without proper separation and recycling procedures, recycling creates more environmental harm than being left alone. This is why we must know about these plastics to avoid them and instead use alternatives. The seven types of recyclable plastics fall under PET, HDPE, PP, LDPE, PVC, PS, and Others. In addition to reducing plastic consumption and increasing the use of recycled plastic instead of virgin plastic, recycling responsibly is critical in doing something about plastic pollution.